Dig deeper

Make 2022 your year!  Actually, let's make 2022 OUR year!  The last couple of years have been rough for everyone.  However, the light always shines brightest when things are darkest.  It's true that 2019-2021 was a GREAT time for our church to grow deeper in community service, deeper in care for each other, and deeper in our devotion to God.

This January it's time for us to move forward together and DIG DEEPER.  Let's dig deeper in our commitment to following God's guidance in our lives.  Let's dig deeper in our service to God and really come alive this year as we serve Him together in the way He made us to!

Join us each Sunday for a Worship Service as we look to answer these questions, culminating on Sunday, January 23rd, when we host a ministry fair.  Then join us 3 Wednesdays for Discovering Westside, a Spiritual Gift's Class, and a Commitment Day.

Below you will find the path that we will walk as we dig deeper in 2022.

-Pastor Tim